The administrations of al-Raqqa and Deir ez-Zor cities said that abolishing the co-presidency system is a fight against struggling ideology and values in northern and eastern Syria. They noted: “We do not accept any project targeting our regions and system.”
In light of the successes achieved by the peoples of the northern and eastern regions of Syria in general, the issue of the co-presidency system, the assumption of women to high positions and their involvement in the political, military and economic fields has become a source of concern for external parties.
In this phase which requires efforts for the components’ unification and national cohesion, the Kurdish National Council calls for the abolition of education in the Kurdish language, and the concept of co-presidency.
Co-chairmanship is the essence of social life
In this context, Maysoon Muhammad, the Member of the Free Women Stand in the Women’s Administration said that the co-presidency system is the essence of social life, and it has been achieved with the victories of women.
She added: “The aim of canceling the co-presidency system is to combat the struggling ideology and values that have been achieved in northern and eastern Syria, and this system did not include the Kurds only, but the Armenian, Circassian and Arab components joined it to work on implementing the principle that falls under one banner which is co-existence.”
Maysoon Muhammad rejected the demands of the National Council and said: “We did not and will not allow this because our approach is that of the martyrs.”
Nadia al-Jassem, the Member of the Women’s Representatives Council in al-Raqqa Civil Council said that the demands of the National Council are due to the fear of the existing joint system between the two sexes, whose successes have been demonstrated at the level of the Middle East regions.
At the end of the talk, Nadia al-Jassem stressed the need for various sects and minorities to join hands in the face of crimes and occupational plans.
We do not accept any project that targets our system
From Deir ez-Zor, Heyam al-Ahmed, the Member of the Women’s Administration said: “These regions have become an example for all countries of the world, where different sects live on this geography and each of them practices its identity.”
She added: “The occupation and the National Council are working to dismantle this interdependence among the components. The abolition of the co-presidency system is evidence of their purpose. Therefore, we do not accept any project targeting our regions and system.”