According to the information published by the Afrin’s Human Rights Organization on its official page, the Turkish occupation army began establishing settlements in the Yazidi village of Bafloun, located in Shara district, under the name “Ta’awn Camp.”
The organization confirmed that the local councils affiliated with the occupation mercenaries had distributed lands to 70 settler families from the northern countryside of Aleppo and the families of mercenaries belonging to the Turkish occupation to settle them in the vicinity of Mount Bafloun village.
The organization stated that Qatar and Kuwait are financing and supporting the construction of settlements in the Yazidi villages, after their residents emigrated from them due to the Turkish attacks and for fear of committing massacres against them.
According to Human Rights Organization sources, 200 dollars were given to each mercenary family, and the land was distributed to them free of charge to build residential homes for them.
The organization pointed out that “the occupied Afrin canton is undergoing a process of systematic demographic change by the Turkish occupation by settling the families of the militants loyal to it and settlers coming from other Syrian regions and giving them land and financing them in order to settle them in the lands and homes of the forcibly displaced Kurds after the Turkish occupation and the factions affiliated with it occupied Afrin.
Note that the occupation has promoted the idea of resettling the families of militants and settlers under humanitarian names through the “Welt Hunger Hilfe” organization, and a tender was floated to cover and restore 400 homes in the occupied areas of Azaz and Afrin to settle them in the homes of forcibly displaced Kurdish citizens.”
The organization noted that the German “Welt Hunger Hilfe” association retracted its bid after 28 human rights organizations and cities protested against the settlement project, which the Turkish state intends to deceive the public opinion with under humanitarian labels, contributing to Turkish occupation’s aims to demographic change, having already displaced more than 300 thousand of its original citizens after the occupation of Afrin in March 2018.