The Human Rights Association (IHD) Istanbul Branch has issued a written statement on the ‘banning’ of anti-war actions in the cities of Istanbul and Kırklareli by the respective governors.
Reminding that ‘actions and activities’ are banned for 10 days in Istanbul, the statement said: “These ban decisions are an attack on the right to peace as well as the right to freedom of expression and peaceful demonstration.”
The statement reminded that “the freedom of thought and opinion, which is one of the main rights, cannot be restricted even in the state of emergency, as also underlined in the ‘Civil and Political Rights Convention’. Clearly this right has been violated as there is no state of emergency or war in place at the moment.”
The IHD continued: “Providing ‘peace and security’ as underlined in the governor’s ban orders and ‘protecting the rights and freedoms of others’ is only possible with peace. War policies are responsible for the crisis, chaos, rights and freedoms denial, refugees crisis. As human rights defenders, we will continue to stand for life, for peace, and oppose peace and life threatening policies. Istanbul and Kırklareli Governors should immediately remove the bans they issued.”