Democratic Local Authorities Board member and Tevgera Jinên Azad (TJA) activist Sevil Rojbin Çetin was taken to Mardin prison after being tortured by police using dogs for three hours during the political genocide operation carried out in her home on June 27 in Amed. Prisoner Rojbin Çetin, who is suffering from cancer, is not being treated.
Çetin was sent to Mardin Type E Closed after 10 days in custody. She is being held in difficult conditions in prison aggravated by the long-term treatment she should be undertaking for uterine cancer.
It was learned that Çetin could not take her medicines in prison and was not taken to the hospital for treatment. A prisoner who stayed in the same wing as Çetin and was released recently said that Cetin was not even given separate meals.
It is reported that Çetin was forced to join the count in the courtyard by the prison administration with other prisoners from her wing. The Çetin family called for sensitivity.