Some news about the prisons and prisoners situation in Turkey in mont of august 2019
Maras Turkoglu Type L Prison “Our lives are in danger”
Six prisoners transferred to the Maras Turkoglu Type L Prison No.1 said their lives are in danger and issued a call through their families. Prisoners Ahmet Nas, Ercan Daskesen, Veysi Altan, Sifa Erdogan, Ridvan Kaya and Suat Okur were transferred from the Mersin Tarsus Type T Prison No.3 to the newly opened Maras Turkoglu Type L Prison No.1. The prisoners reported insults, psychological pressure and physical torture during transfer and at the new prison.
Prisoner Ahmet Nas shared information through his family and said the six prisoners were insulted and mistreated by the gendarmerie throughout the journey in the shuttle.
After a 12 hour ride in the shuttle, the prisoners had all their possessions confiscated at the Maras Turkoglu Type L Prison No.1 said Nas: “We were subjected to inhumane practices there. They imposed strip searches at the entrance, we refused. They tried to use force and torture us to do the search. Then they put us in a place that looked like it was under construction. Now they impose military style roll calls. Our lives are in danger. We are calling on human rights defenders and the conscious public to take action.” ANF reporters called the prison for comment, but the officer answering the phone said there was nobody with authority to respond.
Elazig Prison :Tortured prisoner Adsiz goes on death fast
Prisoner Mehmet Adsiz has been on a death fast since July 29 to protest the torture he endured in the Elazig Prison No.1. Mehmet Adsiz was held in the Elazig Prison No.1 in solitary confinement. When he had a chance to speak with his family on the phone, he announced that he had gone on a death fast on July 29 to protest the torture and mistreatment by prison guards.
His mother Redda Adsiz said: “When we spoke last week, he told me the guards tied up his hands and feet in his cell and beat him up with sticks. His eardrum was torn in the attack. After the torture he endured, he had a nervous breakdown and tried to cut his wrists. Then he was battered right in front of the doctor in the infirmary. Not even the doctors would treat him right.”
Adsiz said the prisoners are stripped naked and subjected to torture every day. The prison guards torture the inmates under the Turkish flag, as they say nobody could touch them, that they were the state. Redda Adsiz said: “They must stop torturing our children. We hear that all inmates in the Elazig Prison are subjected to torture. The Human Rights Association (IHD) and political parties must find a solution.”
Prisoners in Patnos jail exposed to inhumane practices
Prisoners in Patnos L-Type Prison are protesting because there are bugs in the food, visits were banned and they are harassed.News of yet more inhumane practices have been reported from Patnos L-Type Closed Prison.Cells are raided by the guards, and insects are found in the meals of the prisoners.
Perişan Bayram, mother of prisoner Emrah Bayram, applied to the Amed branch of the Solidarity with Prisoners Families association (TUAY-DER) and to the Human Rights Association (İHD).
Emrah Bayram, who has been in jail for 2 years, spoke with his mother Perişan Bayram by phone on 27 August. Perişan Bayram said that her son had told her that “there are insects in the food they are giving us. Prison wards are raided our rooms. They banned visits and communication for a month. They insult us. The director of the prison is responsible for what happened. If things continue this way, the situation will degenerate.”
Women prisoners in Bakirkoy jail denied medical rights
“We want the human rights institutions to hear our voice. – said the prisoners in their letter – We do not accept these type of violations.” Prisoners in Bakirkoy L Type Women’s Closed Prison said that their right to health and medical treatment are denied. The prisoners said that they were forced to undergo medical checks handcuffed.
In a letter sent through their families women prisoners denounced that their comrades suffering from serious health problems “are prevented from receiving treatment.”
In particular the prisoners denounced the situation of their comrades suffering from hepatitis B and chronic diseases who should be checked regularly but in fact are not.Women said: ” We are kept handcuffed and we are not allowed to have a proper doctor-patient relation.”
The prisoners called on human rights institutions to act and speak out against the illegal procedures and decisions they are subjected to.”We want the human rights institutions to hear our voice. – said the prisoners in their letter – We do not accept these type of violations.”