According to information received from local sources, the Iranian regime has carried out the death sentence delivered to Kurdish political prisoner Ramin Hossein Penahi this Saturday.
Fear is growing for two other Kurdish political prisoners, Zanyar Muradi and Luqman Muradi, who have been detained since 2009 in Iran. It is believed the cousins could be executed at any time on Saturday.
Some sources report that execution have already been carried out, but there is no confirmation of that.
Both prisoners, who were detained in Recai Sher prison near Tehran and taken to the single-celled room on September 5, were informed that their execution would be carried out on Saturday morning.
Ramin Hossein Panahi, 23 years old, was arrested on June 2017 in Sanandaj, the capital of Kurdistan Province in Iran and charged with being a member of the Kurdish opposition party Komala. Panahi was allegedly carrying a gun and a hand grenade at the time of his arrest.
This was bluntly rejected by Panahi’s lawyer, Hossein Ahmadi Niaz: “My client was never armed. When he and his companions entered into the country, they were being watched by the IRGC forces who later shot and arrested them.