The security camera recordings that showed detainees being tortured in Nusaybin have been erased. Prisoner Hamit Acun spoke in the hearing of the Nusaybin Case and said there was a dignified stance in the name of humanity in Nusaybin. Acun said, “I won’t give up my ideas” and spoke about how they were tortured.
The 4th hearing in the case where 53 people arrested during the genocidal attacks in Mardin’s Nusaybin district continues on its third day. The hearing is held in the Social Security Institution (SGK) offices’ conference hall by the Mardin High Penal Court No.4 and prisoners are brought in from various prisons.
The hearing started under heavy police presence after the attendees were put through a standard ID check. Only 10 people from the families were allowed into the courtroom, as well as Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Mardin MP Pero Dundar.
Hamit Acun, on remand in Tokat Type T Prison, spoke first. Acun gave his defense in Kurdish and spoke about why he went to Nusaybin, summarizing the meetings the state had with Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan for the solution to the Kurdish issue and the developments afterwards.
Acun said the deaths of Haci Lokman Birlik in Sirnak, Mother Taybet in Silopi and Ekin Van in Mus shook him deeply: “I couldn’t turn away from Nusaybin and the demands of the Kurdish people. I went to Nusaybin out of my own volition.”
Acun said silence is a crime against humanity: “When we were detained, we were subjected to insults for days. They poured hot water on us, they electrocuted us and we were subjected to horrible insults. They broke 3 of my teeth and my nose during the torture sessions. There are tears in my knees and I still have bruises on my body, even though it has been 3 years. What affected me the most was that we were exposed through the media.”
Acun stressed that there was a dignified stance displayed in Nusaybin in the name of humanity: “The Kurds need a status and they need to defend themselves. I will never give up on this idea of mine. And I will continue to voice and defend this idea everywhere.”
The security camera recordings that showed detainees being tortured in Nusaybin have been erased.
70 people, including 17 minors, had been detained on May 26, 2016 during the genocidal attacks and curfew in Mardin’s Nusaybin district. The detainees filed complaints for torture and an investigation was launched by the Nusaybin Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office.
The Nusaybin Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office Preparations Bureau wrote to the Nusaybin Police Directorate on June 21, 2016 and requested the security camera recordings of the holding cell where 12 minors were tortured.
The scandalous response the prosecutor’s office received was as follows: “The recording system set up in our Minors Department Directorate makes automatic recordings and resets when its memory is full. As such, it has been seen in a check performed today that all recordings before June 30, 2016 have been automatically erased due to the system resetting itself. As of the current date, recordings for the requested date are not present in our system.”