Violence against women has increased dramatically under the ruling Justice and Development Party AKP in Turkey, as more than 15,557 women have been killed in the country since the party came to power in 2002.
About 66 women were killed in Turkey in 2002, and the number increased with the assumption of power by the Justice and Development Party (AKP), during which at least 474 women were killed in 2019,” the Turkish left-wing newspaper, Bergun, said in a report.
The newspaper relied on a report prepared by Jurist Syzgin Tanrikulu on the occasion of March 8, which marks International Women’s Day. According to the report, more than 49 women were killed in the first two months of 2020.
According to Turkish government data, the number of women who have been victims of violence has increased in Turkey, increasing by 50%, from 145,000 in 2015 to nearly 220,000 in 2018.
And Turkish websites confirmed earlier that cases of killing women in Turkey have increased dramatically in recent times, until they have become apparent throughout the Turkish provinces.